Wednesday, October 20, 2010

about us

Hello to any and all who read this blog. My name is Briana and I am a 19 year old wife, daughter, sister, and hopeful soon to be mother ( i guess there is only so much trying one can do!) I am so greatful for all of the many amazing joys I have in my life and how much love I share and gain from others. 


Here are some of the pretty faces you might (and probably will) be hearing tons about!


 This is my amazing husband Scott and I. We met through my dad, who insisted upon Scott being introduced to me. Actually, a truck had just driven through our kitchen and we were staying at a hotel and I had been taking the car to college since I didn't have my own wheels yet. Scott drove my dad to the hotel after work one day and it was love at first sight! We instantly hit it off and have been inseperable since!


 Well, maybe not completely inseperable. He enlisted in the US NAVY and was gone for about 5 months, although he was medically discharged in September. It was the hardest 5 months, but I do believe that I grew a lot spiritually and really began to learn who I was and what I wanted out of life. As for him, he has definately changed for the better and is a more patient, more amazing husband then he was to start, which I didn't even think was possible.



 He is a video game playing, family guy loving mister. While I prefer to snuggle and read a book. We annoy each other a ton, but we love each other like crazy. There is no other man in the world I could ever imagine being with. I figure by the time we are 60, I will still be nagging him to help with the dishes and he will still be telling me to pick up my dirty clothes that I sometimes tend to leave right where I dropped em after work. 

What I don't have, Scott does.. We are pretty opposite, but we have so many common factors that keep us stuck like glue. 

Oh, and that little puppy, he is our baby, our little Buddha. He looks just like his daddy ;)


And soon, soon we hope to have a little baby boy or girl. We can't wait to decorate the nursery and get baby clothes. Every time we go to walmart, our internal instincts somehow land us in the baby section picking out which strollers we like and cribs. We can't wait to be pregnant and we can't wait to bring a baby in to this world and teach him/her to be caring, loving, special, and kind.

And as for me, I live life and try to be happy. I love to be a "wife" and do all of the things that entail.

I am just starting this blog. This is the beginning of our life together and our many memories that we are going to share with eachother.


Feel free to "creep" through our site and enjoy our little moments of life.


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