Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i feel so completely run down

probably because im totally sick, but possibly because i have actually been kinda busy... unusual.

this lil' dude is the greatest lil' one ever.
he never ceases to make me smile and always makes me laugh.
i love when my mom is babysitting and i get to go over and play with him.
i honestly think that i could play with him all day.

i have also been on a million and one different cleaning sprees.
mr. clean with febreze is one of the greatest creations ever.
it makes everything so sparkly and clean.
and it makes everything smell absolutely amazing.
best cleaning tool. i recommend it.

i also would like to say how much i loveeee my sister.
and how happy i am that she found a good man who loves her just as much back.
i can't WAIT for their wedding.
and i am especially happy that i managed to talk her in to black bridesmaids dresses.
she was actually really easy to convince, so i think she was thinking the same thing too.
its so weird to see me and my sister grown up and married (well, almost for her) and doing our own thing. its weird to think that we are adults and that we dont rely on mom (as much).
i remember when we were just little girls that hated eachother ;)
i remember she always called me sister (which i hated... my name is briana)
but i love more then anything now when she teases me and calls me sister anyways
i miss the years that we spent apart and i wish that we could take them back
she is always so supportive of any decision i make and isn't scared to tell me im being stupid when its well deserved.
she is one of my most favorite people and im happy for the woman that she has grown up to be.

as for this man, we have been busy trying to get his fafsa filed and his application in at the school.
we have had to call the IRS twice to get paperwork sent over since someone lost his file cabinet...
and yes, that someone would be me :(
we are waiting on his W2's (last thing sent from the IRS)
and he needs to take his COMPASS test
and then he is good to register!
im so excited and very proud of him :)

this here is definately one of my all time favorite songs.
recently, i have learned that marriage truly is one of the most selfless acts anyone can do (besides being parents). i struggle sometimes accepting that scott is a different person from me.
sometimes i just expect him to be this perfect man that i have idealized in my head
and when i realize that he is a human who makes mistakes just like rest of us
i instantly feel guilty :(
he is the most amazing man that i have ever known
he sticks by me when im being pms'ey
or cranky about work
or just frustrated about anything
he has this personality that makes everything better
and a touch that cures all
when i forget how blessed my life is, i just need to look at him and remember.

as for buddha, he is doing great.
he is so content with life and always happy.
his cuteness kills me.
i love when people see him and say that he is the greatest breed they have ever seen.
i start blushing like a darn dog parent, haha.
i love when scott tries to get him to come back inside after he goes potty
and buddha just runs around the yard
making scott chase after him
scott says he hates it, but i dont believe him
i know he loves chasing our insanely cute dog around the yard
especially because he hears me laughing the entire time

and as for me, i have been one sick lady.
i have strept throat and double ear infections :(
every winter i get sick, so with the weather changing, i am not surprised.
i can't wait to feel better and not be so groggy.
i managed to sleep about 20 hours the other day, and i am starting to feel better.
hopefully by thanksgiving, i will be somewhat myself.

i almost forgot to mention the delicous dinner that i made...
chicken alfredo.
i hate to toot my own horn, but it was definately a hit.
too bad cooking comes with so many dishes.
oh wait, thats what i have a husband for ;)

now im going to turn up the david gray and zonk out for a while.
peace out ;)
and don't catch the cold, it sucks :)

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