Thursday, November 25, 2010

i dont even really like turkey that much

buddha and i started off our day play'playin'.
we even baked some pies.


 mr. pumpkin pie and i didn't get along so nicely.
but i heard he turned out pretty well anyways.

 my pie face. word.

scott headed out to his moms house and had thanksgiving lunch, while i stayed home and baked pies.
it was actually really nice to have some time in the apartment by myself.
since i work nights, the only time that i really have to myself in our home is when im sleeping.
and its nice to just have the day by myself and get to clean at my own pace and listen to my own music and just be me. i love moments like that.

it was really fun though because i headed out to my moms house before he did
well, while he was still at his moms house
and he walked through the door about 10 minutes after i did
and i was so insanely excited to see him
even though it was great to hang out with just me and buddha, i sure did miss my hubby.

we played gamecube and ate dinner.
i am so angry with myself that i forgot to take pictures of the food! gr.
but we had amazing smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole,
rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, and other delicious yums.

plus my mom just sent this face (i know, irresistable) a text saying
"ok, you got the job. you are the new family pie maker. EXCELLENT"
heck yes, i am. heck yes.

happy thanksgiving to all!
peace out ;)

just sharing the love :)

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