Saturday, November 27, 2010

how i make money

"Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription"

when i became a CNA, i was going to school full-time to become an RN. i never intended to actually work as a CNA, but more to have the certification to make the ease of being accepted in to nursing school easier. once i got married (well, more like started having to pay bills) i started working as a CNA.
i have worked in nursing homes and home health care, both of which i love. currently, i work at assisted living apartments for the mentally retarded, but i debate switching back over to a nursing home and working second shift instead of the third shift that i work right now (i think it will be easier on me in college, working nights this past year has stunk).

 being a CNA has taught me many things about life and death. i recommend to anyone who isn't completely sure about what they want to do as a career to go in to the medical field, specifically starting off as a CNA and bridging over to an RN (or for me, i want to be a nurse practitioner). as a CNA and any other career in the medical field, your options open up so signifigantly in comparison to other entry level jobs. i have the job security to be able to find a job at almost any time, any where, making a decent wage.

but besides the job security and finance part of nursing, i believe that i have one of the most fulfilling careers in the world. although i can't wait to be an RN, i enjoy being a CNA. i enjoy being hands-on with residents and getting to know them. i enjoy talking to them and learning from them. i enjoy being with them while they are living and making them comfortable as they prepare to pass. i have the privelage and honor to hear so many stories and become a part of some of the most remarkable people i have ever met lives.

yes, i have been hit, bit, slapped, punched, spit on, pee'd, and poop'd on, but nothing can take away from the joy i have received when i came in to work and looked at my favorite resident's face and talked to her as she drifted off in to her delirium. i can look back on my job and see all of the influential faces who have helped shape me in to the person that i am today.

i can only hope that the souls living in heaven that i have helped take care of, can look down upon me with a gentle thanks and love. no bad night at work could ever replace the smiles, laughs, and joy i have experienced as a CNA.

 oh, by the way, CNA's and RN's eat the best food.
peace out ;)

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