Saturday, December 4, 2010

what life has been lately

"Conquer the angry man by love.
the ill-natured man by goodness.
the miser with generosity.
the liar with truth."
-The Dhammapada
 (yes, these pictures are old. i have been slacking on taking pictures, but i love these old ones)

the other night, scott and i were talking about contentness vs. happiness.
i told him that i, hands-down would choose to be content vs. happy.
after about one second of confusion, he looked at me, shook his head in agreement, and completely knew what i was talking about.
there is just something about being content and being totally and one hundred percent okay.
everything is great and you are just kind of going along with the waves.
happiness, happiness is great, and don't get me wrong, of course i LOVE to be happy.
but if i were to choose, i would rather be content and have everything in life going just right.
i love to be able to just breathe and not stress, think and not dwell.

so, i haven't updated in a while, and i dont have pictures of recent times (rest assured, they will be up soon)
but scott and i moved in to a home!
its a beautiful, 3 bedroom (way bigger then our apartment) home.
it has a fireplace, an office, a washer/dryer (okay, maybe that isn't exciting to you, but try going months without one. its almost the worst thing ever!), two extra bedrooms, and all walk-in closets.
i know, i am pretty much in heaven.
best thing is we are renting it from a family member so we got a major deal!
i love deals :)

i haven't completely finished putting everything away (hence the reason i have not taken pictures), but i will have that done by tomorrow. we are so close to having everything done, i cant wait!
also, has anyone noticed that time is flying by? i can barely stand it!
i can't believe that it is almost scott and i's first christmas together!
we are kind of excited, but not really.
i think we will start to enjoy holidays more once we have babies to spoil, but as for now, we are just spoiling eachother. it is kind of weird though because i know exactly what he is getting me and he knows exactly what i am getting him. it doesn't really bother me though that there is no element of surprise. at least i am getting exactly what i want, right?

ps- i have been seriously contemplating buzzing off my hair. i have read so many countless blogs of women who have done just that and not a single one of them have regretted it. oh decisions, decisions.
i have always said that the minute i find out that i am pregnant, my hair is coming off.
i dont know what it is. i guess it represents a fresh start of some sort.
i have made so many changes and such great progress, i think it would just feel great to not worry about hair.

i think one of my biggest fears would have to be going without hair...
so why not face that head on?

peace out ;)

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