Friday, April 22, 2011

someday we'll move to florida

i have come down with the most horrible, evil cold ever. i feel like my throat is going to bleed from irritation, my lungs are going to collapse, and most of the time i am trying to decide whether or not i am freezing cold or boiling to death. dayquil/nyquil have been my best friends this past couple days and for the most part, i don't really feel sick/achey, i just have this horrible cough that is just keeping me down. i am staying optomistic that this won't be a 3-4 week cold, but more a 3-4 day cold meaning that tomorrow i should wake up happy and cough-free! well, a girl can hope, right?

my sister and i (jokingly... maybe?) decided that we are moving to florida within the next two years. she came over for dinner the other night and we laid in bed chatting about florida and bringing our babies/families there with us. oh, the warmth, the sun, the trees, the SAND! lets fast forward two years sis! ;)

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