Sunday, May 1, 2011

re-cap of our first married year.

April 7th 2011 marked Scott and my one year anniversary. It never ceases to amaze us how much we have learned and grown in the past year. Some exciting and important dates to remember are...

April 7th 2010- "Today was the day that our lives were joined for all eternity. You became mine and I became yours and nothing in this world could make be feel as blessed and lucky as I am today". Our wedding was simple and sweet, but perfect in every way.

May 9, 2010- We embarked on our first ever road trip and I got to meet his dad and step-mom for the first time. I was so nervous, mostly because I hadn't had the best connection with anyone in his family so far and I didn't want them to dislike me or think we had rushed or think anything negative of me actually. Luckilly, they didn't and I am blessed to still have a great relationship with them. I love seeing older couples still madly in love and am greatful that they know and understand how much I love their son also.

May 19, 2010- Scott left for basic training and I was one sad wife. We missed eachother every single day and have tons of letters to show for it.

July 23, 2010- Scott graduated US NAVY bootcamp and it was my sisters birthday. I was so overwhelmed by happiness that my sisters birthday definately took the back burner, but again, I am blessed to have a sister who didn't give a damn about anything except my happiness.

September 10, 2010- Scott was medically discharged and home in my arms

January 3, 2011- We both got our butts in to gear and started college (again for me... i took a tiny break that fall). He was starting his pre-requisites, the normal boring english and math. I was finishing up my pre and co-requisites for nursing school. We both finished the semester very successfully.

March 2011- Scott and I found out we are going to be Uncle and Auntie in November!

April 7th, 2011- One year of marriage down, many many more to go. We celebrated with pizza (which seems to be a common occurance for celebration-- we had pizza at our wedding and for the first two valentines day we spent together so we figure its a ritual now ;) ) and afterwards he took me out for frozen yogurt-- my all time favorite.

We have made it through so much--the ugly, the bad, the good, the lonely-- and are so much stronger and so much more in love then ever.

one year from Briana Willett on Vimeo.
music: the gambler-- by fun

"I swear when I grow up, I won't just buy you a rose.
I will buy the flower shop, and you will never be lonely.
Even if the sun stops waking up over the fields
I will not leave, I will not leave 'till it's our time.
So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side."

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